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Discover Your Natural Intuition

Learn How to Enhance Your Self-Awareness and Inner-Standing to Access Your Own, Reliable, On-call Intuition!


Awaken Your Intuition

Unlock the potential of your inner Mystic! In this class, you will learn how to access your intuition, find more inner clarity and become more aligned with your soul's purpose.


Learn How to Awaken Your Intuition and Find Clarity in Your Decisions.


Discover your best areas of receptivity to intuitive insight and practice club. 


You'll discover your unique intuitive talents and join a supportive community where you will experience your intuition firsthand by practicing with others!


Live Classes twice a week:

Every Thursday and Saturday for 6 weeks


New Meditations each week


PDF printouts each week 


Discover Tarot

Expand Your Intuition with Tarot! This valuable tool can hone your natural intuitive abilities and enable you to see more information about your questions.


Access the Living Library

Learn to Let Nature Communicate with You. Find Your Way to Telepathy and Inter-Species Communication

​Are you feeling stressed or uncertain about the future?
Do you have a challenging decision to make? 

Learn How to Use Your Intuition and Make Decisions with Confidence!

Bring more clarity to your life!
Discover how to rely on your own intuition!
"Awaken Your Intuition"
an 8-week class with Susan Tower
Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm
September 1 - June 19, 2024

Your intuition is an invaluable tool that can help in all life situations. If you would like to learn about your innate skills, Register Now to Awaken Your Intuition!

In this class, you will get to know your unique psychic skills and how to use them.


Early Bird Special!

$147for the first 20 students!

Regular price $197

Unlock the mysteries of the tarot and learn to use this excellent spiritual tool! 
"Discover Tarot"
a 8-week class with Susan Tower
Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm

July 10 - August 28, 2024

Early Bird Special!

$147for the first 20 students!

Regular price $197

Take a journey with Tarot and discover how to use this valuable tool for insights and personal growth.

Let the Universe speak to you with signs and story through the tarot! This class will give you all the basics to enable you to read the tarot without memorization.

• Each class combines new concepts with live practice sessions to help you expand your skills.

• Your tuition includes a Year Membership to a private, online community of peers to practice with

• All classes will be recorded and posted online within a few working days.

• Each class includes games and activities to practice your growing skills.

• Recordings of all classes will be available online

"Awaken Your Intuition"
an 8-week class with Susan Tower
Wednesdays 7pm-8:30pm CST
May 1 - June 19, 2024
Bring more clarity to your life! Discover how to use your own reliable intuition!

In this class, you will get to know your unique psychic skills and how to use them.


1. What is Intuition? 

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, May 1st: 7pm-8:30pm

The introduction will include Susan’s Masterclass:
“Seven Secrets to Awaken Your Intuition”.


2. Learn a Solid Yes/No

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, May 8th: 7pm-8:30pm

Learn to discern a reliable, on-call, intuitive Yes or No.


3. ZOOM! Signs, Symbols & Archetypes

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, May 15th: 7pm-8:30pm

See how the Universe is always ‘talking’ to you.


4. Expanding Your Senses with Nature

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, May 22nd: 7pm-8:30pm

Discover your Animal Spirit Guide and learn about the levels of awareness within Nature, including the Elementals and Fairies. 


5. Mediumship, Ancestors & Ghosts

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, May 29th: 7pm-8:30pm

Do you have a gift for mediumship? Learn several ways to connect with your ancestors and a bit more about ghosts.


6. ZOOM! Psychic Protection, Time Travel & Emotions

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, June 5th: 7pm-8:30pm

Hear some surprising wisdom Susan received from a Spider on this topic! 


7. ZOOM! Divination & Discernment

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, June 12th: 7pm-8:30pm

Apply your developing skills to more complex intuitive equations.


8. ZOOM! Q&A 

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, June 19th: 7pm-8:30pm

Come to this live Zoom session with your questions!

Your intuition is a valuable tool that can help in all life situations. Join us to learn how to Awaken Your Intuition!

Intuition Class Testimonials



"Susan Tower's intuition class really opened my view of what's possible and helped me to see all of the ways I was already being intuitive without really knowing it."


Jason S., Kansas City, MO

"Susan Tower is an excellent and patient teacher! I don't know how I would have learned to recognize my own intuition if I hadn't taken her class! I'm so thankful I did!"


Dakota B., Lawrence, KS

"Discover Tarot"
a 8-week class with Susan Tower
Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm

July 10 - August 28, 2024

Early Bird Special!

$147for the first 20 students!

Regular price $197

Let the Universe speak to you with signs and story through the tarot! This class will give you all the basics to enable you to read the tarot without memorization.

Unlock the mysteries of the tarot and learn to use this excellent spiritual tool! 

Take a journey with Tarot and discover how to use this valuable tool for insights and personal growth.

1. What is Tarot? How does It Work?

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, July 10th: 7pm-8:30pm

Discover which card represents the archetype most aligned with you! Learn the basics of numerology, the structure of a Tarot deck and the fundamentals of reading the cards without memorization. 


2. The Major Arcana: 22 cards

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, July 17th: 7pm-8:30pm

From Zero to 21, the Major Arcana cards each represent a significant progression of human experiences and evolution. 


3. The Cups: 14 cards

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, July 24th: 7pm-8:30pm

You’ll learn about the element of Water and the emotional, heartfelt nature of the suit of Cups.


4. ZOOM! The Wands: 14 cards

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, July 31st: 7pm-8:30pm

You’ll learn about the element of Fire and the passionate, expanding nature of the suit of Wands.


 5. The Pentacles: 14 cards

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, August 7th: 7pm-8:30pm

You’ll learn about the element of Earth and grounding, physical nature of the suit of Pentacles.


6. Swords: 14 cards

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, August 14th: 7pm-8:30pm

You’ll learn about the element of Air and the thoughtful, intellectual nature of the suit of Swords.


7. Layouts, Reversals and Stories

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, August 21st: 7pm-8:30pm

Learn to look for patterns and themes to weave your story. 


8. ZOOM! Q&A

•  LIVE on ZOOM! Wednesday, August 28th: 7pm-8:30pm

Bring your Questions!

Tarot Class Testimonials



"Susan Tower's tarot class was so fun! I'm glad I got to practice with so many people, it really helped me to experience my own intuition for myself and learn how amazing working with the Tarot can really be."


Laura S., Olathe, KS

"Susan Tower explains things so well! I really enjoyed her Tarot class! Now I use the deck to give me insights on all kinds of things. I'm glad I could learn to make sense of all of those cards!"


Julie C., Kansas City, KS

Both Classes Include:

• Relevant Information to Expand Your Intuition

Time to Practice Your Growing Skills

• Activities to Activate Your Innate Knowing

• New Guided Meditations each Week

• New PDF Printouts each Week 

• A Year's Membership to a Private, Online Community to Practice with

• Recordings of Live Classes will be Posted Online within a Week after the Session

Unlock your full potential!
Start your journey now!


Your intuition is an invaluable tool that can help in all life situations to guide you in the right direction, but without proper development and practice, it may be suppressed or ignored. 


Whether you are interested in improving your decision-making skills, gaining insight into your future or transforming your well-being, 'Awaken Your Intuition'  and "Discover Tarot" classes offer a wealth of knowledge and practical techniques to help you attune your intuitive skills.

Susan Tower is an experienced psychic, medium and mystical teacher. She is well known for her accurate psychic readings and beautiful, insightful, intuitive art.


About the Teacher

Susan Tower is a gifted teacher and will assist you to find your own answers and expand your perceptions and inner-standing.

Expand your Re-Memberance

Susan's unique and empowering approach to teaching intuition combines modern science and ancient wisdom. She offers live, online lessons, guided meditations and an online community to practice with.


Expand Your Intuition at The Mystic Tower Academy!

Unlock Your Intuitive Powers and Elevate Your Life-Skills!

Susan Tower began The Mystic Tower Academy to bring empowering, expansive classes to you on your journey to greater self-knowing! She will be sharing gifts and insights gained from a lifetime of learning how to access her own on-call intuition. In addition, she brings a unique perspective from decades of studying and painting ancient, sacred sites around the world. 


These classes are designed to help you tap into your inner wisdom and provide you with the tools and confidence to make better decisions and navigate your life with more clarity. Come explore your perceptions and discover your own ancient wisdom!

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