Discover your Inner Strengths with an
Animal Totem Intuitive Art Reading with Susan Tower.
Samples of Animal Totem Art Readings with brief summaries of their meanings
Are you drawn to a particular animal?
Each Species has its own Strengths.
Their unique skills are part of their adaptations for survival and key to their ability to thrive.
Crow Spirit Guide
Crow Spirit brings their bright intelligence and their 'many eyes' of the broad perspective of the flock. They represent psychic ability and an excellent awareness of their surroundings. Through telepathic communication and bonding with their flock, they know what's going on in their area and are sentinels and protectors of their territory.
This is an example of an Animal Totem Art Reading by Susan Tower, intuitive artist.

Wolf Spirit Guide
Bless your home with the energies of Community & Teamwork with Wolf-Spirit art!
Wolves work together to survive and count on each other to do their best. They are loyal to their family and support each member's unique skills.
This is an example of an Animal Totem Art Reading by Susan Tower, intuitive artist.

Horse Spirit Guide
Horse Spirit brings you its open-hearted strength, power and forward movement and teaches safe boundaries
Horses are very sensitive and loving, as well as strong. Their service to humanity has propelled civilizations forward like no other. Now, the value of their huge heart-space is being recognized. Simply spending time with horses helps many to find emotional safety and healing.
This is an example of an Animal Totem Art Reading by Susan Tower, intuitive artist.

Dolphin Spirit Guide
Dolphin Spirit brings you access to joyful, playful energy, and supports your deeper breathing and intuition
Dolphins are highly intelligent, social and telepathic. They teach within the higher vibrations of joy and laughter, showing the power of your breath to transform your mental or emotional state.
This is an example of an Animal Totem Art Reading by Susan Tower, intuitive artist.

Whale Spirit Guide
Whale Spirit brings you songs of the history of the world, they have deep access to assist healing your lineage
Whale Spirit guides bring the songs and words that need to be heard, to integrate and heal.
This is an example of an Animal Totem Art Reading by Susan Tower, intuitive artist.

Deer Spirit Guide
Deer Spirit brings you unconditional love from the center of her heart, holding the pattern of a loving mother
The true unconditional love that a doe gives her fawn is a pattern that is healing to integrate. Deer teaches with her gentle heart, helping all who come to her to experience support and kindness.
The flower of life sacred geometry symbol above her brings vibrational healing, as you integrate higher energies of open-hearted love.
This is an example of an Animal Totem Art Reading by Susan Tower, intuitive artist.

Owl Spirit Guide
Owl Spirit brings you clear vision into the darkest darks, access to time-travel wisdom and lessons of transition
Owls are fluent in the darkness and support shadow-work, facilitating healing across ancestral lines. Their guidance helps you transition between the veils to new perceptions, integrating it to wisdom.
This is an example of an Animal Totem Art Reading by Susan Tower, intuitive artist.