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Discover your Super Powers thru Your Spirit Animals and Symbols from Nature!

Each species has its own blessings and strengths. 


Animal Totem Art Reading

a 45 minute live session


You'll receive a personal, empowering message from ONE of your Animal Spirit Guides and an intuitive art drawing of your symbol from Nature.


Spirit Animal Soul Reading

a 90 minute live session


You'll receive a personal message from several of your Animal Spirit Guides and an intuitive art drawing of your empowering symbols from Nature.

Intuitive Art of Animal Spirit Guides by Susan Tower, visionary artist

Discover your Core Strength as Reflected through Nature
Susan Tower combines her skills as an artist and mystic in her intuitive art sessions: Spirit Animal Soul Readings. She has a unique ability to see, illustrate and communicate with your spirit animals, which she does ​with you live over Zoom.

All content, text and images © 2021 Susan Tower. No use without permission or proper credit. (Please just ask!)

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